Sekcja Wydawnicza WZ UW

Isbn: 83-89069-54-2
Autorzy: Alojzy Z. Nowak, Beata Glinka, Przemysław Hensel
Język: angielski
Rok: 2007

Market economy and effective managment are crucial factors on the way to prosperity of the nations. Joining the European Union in May 2004 Poland implemented most of the market economy rules. Some of them of course were introduced earlier as a result of the transformation of the Polish economy an some were implemented after joining the EU. Anyway accession required a lot of managment adjustments in nearly all sectors. Presented book introduced and analyzed chosen sectors of Polish economy in terms of their managment changes and adjustments to the EU requirements. The sectors  for analysis were chosen not accidentally. As it is well known in democratic and market oriented economies both private and public sectors are imported. And among them are sectors which constitue the base of the economy. In the opinion of teh authors among tehm are: finacial sector, computer and information system, public sector and in particular health cares sector.

EFMD Global
Uniwersytet Warszawski
HR Excellence in Research
Eduniversal ranking
Ministerstwo Nauki
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

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